
Physics-based Character Animation

online course, SIGGRAPH 2021, 2020

This course was an introduction to Physics-based character animation. It may be of interest to people coming from videogames, robotics or other fields.

Machine Learning applied to videogames and Virtual Reality

Master Course, Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives - Universitat de Barcelona, 2019

Two of the main emerging topics in the videogame industry is the practical use of machine learning to develop games, and the increasing adoption of Virtual Reality as a gaming platform. I was given the chance to design the curriculum of an optional course in the 4th year of the degree in videogame development, and this is what I came up with.

Animation Foundations

Undergraduate course, Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives - Universitat de Barcelona, 2019

3D Character animation is a tricky business. It involves complicated mathematics, handcrafted efforts, and a plethora of techniques. In 2017 I was asked to organize a course to teach these topics. I came up with a syllabus that covers the following topics:

  1. 3D Rotations
  2. Direct and Inverse Kinematics
  3. Animations in a game engine
  4. Physics for animation in game engines

There is also a fair amount of emphasis on practical aspects of programming, like:

  • Git, and particularly Git Flow (branches, releases, tags, etc.)
  • Improving programming habits, and documentation. This includes naming conventions, functionality encapsulation, and use of assembly libraries

Introduction to Computer Graphics

Undergraduate Course, Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives - Universitat de Barcelona, 2019

Videogames and virtual reality often require considerable computer graphics knowledge. During two years I taught a computer graphics course (2017 – 2019). I designed the course and took care of most of the classes, except the advanced openGL topics which were taken care by Jesús Ojeda.

Innovation in the digital economy

Master Course, Escola de Noves Tecnologies Interactives - Universitat de Barcelona, 2017

Digital innovation is a rapidly evolving field, linked to the latest evolution of consumer technology and trends in digital media. In this course, taught during fall 2017, I tried to help students articulate a value proposition and business strategies based on emerging digital trends in the digital economy. This was part of a master where students were trained both in digital production and in business innovation.